Organic Brazil Nut Powder

Organic Brazil Nut Powder
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The Brazil nut powder is obtained by a process of extraction of the nut to obtain two by-products, one is the oil and the other product is the so-called cake, and then enter the mill. BENEFITS Brazil nut dust is considered a superfood, especially recommended for those who suffer from arteriosclerosis and kidney problems. It is a great source of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and phosphorus. Therefore it is attributed with anti-inflammatory properties, and is recommended for people with heart disease and diabetes. BRAZIL NUT POWDER PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Brazil nut powder can be used in confectionery, baking (it replaces 15% of wheat flour), bread making or as a thickener. It can also be added to drinks, to prepare creams and purees

  • Chestnuts and sweet chestnuts
  • Brazil Nut
  • nuts
  • dried fruits

Product characteristics


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60313 Frankfurt Am Main - Germany
