Clove Essential Oil - Eugenia Caryophyllata - 10 ml

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Massage: at muscular and nervous tension 2 k. cloves and 3 k. lavender per 50 ml of base oil (almond, wheat germ, apricot, grape seeds); in case of fatigue - 2 k. orange, 3 k. lavender, 1 k. cloves per 50 ml of base oil (almond, wheat germ, apricot, grape seeds). Spreading: 5 k. in 30 ml of base oil - for insect bites; in arthritis, rheumatism - 2 k. juniper, 2 k. cloves, 3 k. eucalyptus, 1 k. thyme per 30 ml of base oil. Others: when sprained - a compress of 2 k. cloves in 30 ml of almond oil - soothes pain. Attention! Highly concentrated! Keep it tightly closed and out of reach of children.

  • Import-export - oil
  • Clove Oil
  • Eugenia Oil
  • Clove Eugenia

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4000 Plovdiv - Bulgaria
